The Department of Defense recently took a major step towards finalizing their groundbreaking Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) regulations. This update will have huge ramifications for all defense contractors and is something every company in the industry needs to be paying close attention to.

CMMC Regulation Update

In December 2023, the DoD published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to seek public feedback on their CMMC framework. They received an overwhelming response with nearly 2,000 comments submitted on the proposed regulations. This just shows how important CMMC compliance will be.

Since then, the DoD has been diligently reviewing and adjudicating all those comments to refine the regulations. On June 27th, 2024 they submitted the revised CMMC rule to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) for their review. This signals that the regulations are nearing their final form.

The Adjudication Process

The comment review and adjudication process ensured all stakeholder feedback was properly considered before the rules are cemented. This step was crucial for ironing out any pain points or unclear requirements based on the input received.

It’s clear the DoD wants these regulations to be as comprehensive yet practical as possible. They welcomed opinions from contractors of all sizes, consultants, assessors and more to achieve regulations that balance security, affordability and flexibility.

The Upcoming OIRA Review

Now that the refined CMMC rule is with OIRA, their review period will determine how soon the final version emerges. This review can range from just a few days to up to 90 days, with possible extensions.

Most experts believe the scrutiny will be thorough but timely given how anticipated these regulations are. If all goes smoothly, the final CMMC rule could be published by late October 2024, just a few short months from now.

Additional Implementation Steps

While the final rule will provide much needed certainty, the CMMC rollout is a gradual process. The DoD still must update the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement (DFARS) to align with the CMMC requirements.

They’ll also stand up the CMMC accreditation program for third party assessors and registration. The overall enforcement timeline will allow adequate preparation time for contractors to achieve compliance before it impacts contract bidding.

Starting the Compliance Journey

With the end seemingly in sight, there’s no time left for delay. Defense contractors serious about winning bids should initiate their CMMC compliance assessment without further hesitation.

Early adopters will have the advantage as the initial pool of CMMC-certified companies. They’ll be ready to capitalize when the new rules are in place versus struggling to catch up later. Proper preparation well in advance is key.

Stay Tuned for Further Updates

As the CMMC landscape starts to crystallize, expect more guidance from the DoD and related agencies. We’ll be sure to inform you of any new milestones or timelines established. The finishing line is within sight for these transformative cyber regulations.

Make CMMC Compliance Your Priority

The CMMC train has left the station – it’s time for all defense contractors to hop aboard. Start planning your compliance journey now before it’s too late. Doing so will put your business in the best position as these regulations take full effect in the coming year. Stay ahead of your competition by making CMMC a top priority.